Kim Elia


Kim’s journey into homeopathy was inspired by Gandhi’s quote: “Homœopathy cures a greater percentage of cases than any other method of treatment…economically and non-violently.” Intrigued by why Gandhi, a champion of Indian traditions, praised homeopathy over Ayurveda, Kim embarked on a lifelong path in this healing art.

Since 1987, Kim has studied under renowned homeopathic masters and graduated from the New England School of Homœopathy, practicing alongside Dr. Paul Herscu. He has lectured globally and developed the four-year classical homœopathy program at the Hahnemann Academy in Japan.

Kim co-founded WholeHealthNow, a trusted resource for the homeopathic community. He has been instrumental in creating its comprehensive website, including the Historic Homeopathic Timeline and an extensive library of interviews and presentations with world-class homeopaths. His dedication to uniting the community and advancing training has earned him recognition worldwide.

Known for his dynamic teaching style and profound knowledge of materia medica and homeopathy’s history, Kim has inspired students globally. His commitment to educating practitioners ensures effective homeopathic care reaches the broader public.

Recently, Kim and his team launched Homeopathic HouseCall, an online first-aid and acute care app, and an online telemedicine platform for practitioners. He is also working on a long-dreamed project: a feature-length film about homeopathy to introduce this effective, affordable healing art to the world and make homeopathy a household name.


Evolution of Resources – Perspective 200 Years
of Advancing Homeopathy

Whether you practice in the Eastern or Western hemisphere, Hahnemann reminds us that mental and emotional symptoms are preeminent in every case, even acute ones, and that we must attend to the mental and emotional alterations in the patient if we wish to cure Homśopathically (§210, 213). We know that today mental and emotional health issues afflict a large percentage of the population. We also know that Homśopathy has proven highly effective in the treatment of these conditions.

During this conference, international speaker, Kim Elia, will explore remedies indicated for problems affecting the mental and emotional realms, with differentials that will help you to perceive the subtle nuances required for accurate remedy selection. Kim will offer case examples, comparative materia medica and case management hints that will help you to decide on the best remedy and be better able to pursue a successful course of treatment in each case.

Kim Elia’s speech will focus on the all-important topic of Case Analysis. Kim will investigate the nature of the totality of symptoms, that “principal or sole means whereby the disease can be known.” The exploration will use a variety of approaches — from Bönninghausen’s use of location, sensation, modality and concomitant, to current systems which have further advanced our understanding of this essential component of successful Homśopathic practice. Kim will address the effective use of the Repertory, including rubric selection and construction of a formal analysis.

In addition, Kim will delve deeply into the often-overlooked issue of Case Management and follow-up, including supervising patients with serious pathology and those on allopathic medications. The subject of posology (potency and dose) will also be discussed, with a review of different methods from the 4th, 5th and 6th editions of the Organon. Each of the cases presented will explore the reasoning for the potency and dose which were selected.

This conference is designed to help participants to practice homeopathy more confidently, and will answer many questions which prevent students and practitioners from practicing with confidence. Although a variety of theoretical subjects will be presented, each topic will be grounded in real cases which clarify the important lesson to be understood.